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2023 SBA Excellence Award

On May 3, 2023, Lummi Indian Business Council (LIBC) and Lummi CDFI were honored with the SBA Excellence Award for our work advocating for and creating a path to qualify Native treaty fisherman for the SBA PPP loan program in the midst of the COVID pandemic

Henry Cagey, Lummi Nation Councilman, Rex Rhoades, Lummi CDFI Board Chair, and Nancy Jordan were invited as Kerrie Hurd's guests and had no idea we were going to be honored. This was an incredible achievement during a very challenging time and was possible by working with Kerrie Hurd, SBA District Director, members of LIBC Council, including Henry and Treasurer Cliff Cultee, and our staff at the Lummi CDFI, Laura, Gloria, Deb, and Adib. 

This experience also paved the way for a stronger relationship between the SBA and Native CDFI's. Thank you Kerrie and SBA for this special recognition and for creating an ongoing dialog and listening sessions for even more opportunities!

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